Wednesday, May 03, 2006

suddup lah..faaaark it

apparently after infinite weeks of being an annoying,self-indulging,cant-stop-talking geeky schizo schezel... i think its time to be back to my old,last-century,wartime history self.
the textbook,comicbook,storybook very quiet scared of everyone geeky self.

Best way to converse is not to talk at all.
it avoids controversy.
it avoids putting urself in a spot.
it avoids being irritating and annoying.
best of all..
there's no reason to be oblivious about things.
there's not reason to be at all sorry.
both for something you do or something you dont.
cos silence stays in the backdrop.

just stay quiet and observe the beautiful things around you.
its time to hear d birds sing.
its time to feel the morning breeze.
its time to see the sun rise.
its time to not to talk.

on the contrary..

semangkin hari semangkin serasi
bagai pagi dgn sinar matahari
bagai malam dgn kerdipan bintang yg berseri

i wish ah!
faarkkk it lahhh..

FM channel: schizo schezel

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